"The Argument" (Version 2) Stone and plate lithograph
"The Argument" (Version 1) - Stone and plate lithograph
"René Magritte" Stone and plate lithograph
"The Circus" Stone and plate lithograph
"Mountains" Plate lithograph
"A Leg Up" - 6 color stone and plate lithograph
"Separation" - Stone Lithograph with watercolor
"Relationships" - Stone lithograph on rice paper
"Lost at Sea" - Screenprint and Lithography mono print (no-print)
"Crammed" - Stone lithograph
"Pondering Artist (State #1)" - Stone Lithograph
"Pondering Artist (State #2)" - Stone Lithograph
"Pondering Artist (State #3) - Stone Lithograph
"Can't Kill the King" - Plate lithograph
"The Businessman (Part 2)" Plate Lithograph
"Crammed" - Black and White Edition stone lithograph in Antique Frame
"Thoughts" - Plate lithograph